Those silly warranty provisions. You see them all the time in contracts where a seller of goods or services has language, usually in ALL CAPS AND BOLD, that essentially says “yea, I sold this this stuff, but I’m not promising that it really does what it’s supposed to do or what you want it to...Read More
I had the fortunate opportunity to attend the O’Keefe Middle Market Forum where O’Keefe Advisors provided the results of its annual survey of middle market companies. The survey focused on recapping 2016 and also looking ahead for 2017. There were a number of interesting items that came out of the survey I think you’ll be interested in....Read More
Rubin Trevino hired an attorney to sue Lee Siler and Saginaw County, for injuries Trevino suffered in an automobile accident with Siler (who was driving a truck while working for Saginaw County). Trevino’s attorney urged him to settle the case for the amount awarded at mediation, $100,000. Trevino resisted, saying he wanted more information about...Read More
In my never ending obsession with arbitration clauses, the Michigan Court of Appeals added more fodder in the recent case of Shaya vs City of Hamtramck. In this case, the Court of Appeals, again, interpreted the Michigan Arbitration Act (MAA). This act succinctly states that the parties can agree to arbitrated dispute if: (1) the...Read More