Taxes paid by businesses are often their largest expenses. Almost every business and financial decision effects how much tax you pay.
We can help you decide which entity type is best for you, devise creative tax-saving ideas, and structure M&A deals to minimize tax costs. And, we do all this in coordination with your CPA to make sure your entire team agrees on the ideas, and you comply with all tax reporting requirements.
Nonprofits and tax-exempt organization are subject to an array of complex tax laws and regulations. And the penalties for failure to comply with these laws and regulations can be severe including loss of your tax-exempt status. We are experienced in advising clients in the formation of nonprofit organizations, obtaining and maintaining tax exempt status rulings, day-to-day governance, compliance, and tax issues.
The letter from the IRS that says your tax return is being audited can be dreadful to receive. Having an experienced ally like our office to represent you, means one less thing to worry about. Even if you ultimately disagree with the IRS Audit conclusions, you have a right to appeal.We have successfully represented our clients in investigations, appeals and other matters involving the IRS, Michigan Department of Treasury, Michigan Tax Tribunal, and other government agencies.
Your gross estate – the current value of all the cash, personal property, collectibles, life insurance, annuities, trusts, homes, business interests and other assets – is subject to tax if it exceeds $5,600,000. Most estates are quite simple and will not result in any estate tax, but what happens if your business keeps growing, your home appreciates, your savings and investments increase, or you add life insurance? Spend some time with us to discuss your estate tax planning options, and consider it time well spent.
Your estate plan must address whether you should make gifts to you children or even grandchildren. Yes, there are restrictions based on the type of gift, but that’s why we are here – to make sure you take advantage of the tax laws.