Numerous books, articles, speeches, blog posts have been written over the last few years about why content marketing is required as part of any company’s marketing and sales strategy. Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is about Help Not Hype by Jay Baer, does an excellent job explaining why content marketing is the best approach to reaching...Read More
The tax court recently gave another reminder of the importance of properly documenting shareholder loans, and making sure that they reflect economic reality. If they don’t, any attempt to deduct these loans as bad debts will be disallowed, causing financial and tax heartache for the lender-shareholder. In Sensenig, TC Memo 2017-1, the court relied on three...Read More
That’s it… I’m stopping cold turkey. No more Twitter. I’ve been trying to be more active on social media, reach out to my clients in new and unique ways (at least for me), but Twitter is just one tool that I’ve given up on. Yes, I announced with great fanfare not too long ago that...Read More