“When it comes to dealmaking, the best course of action is to do a “pre-mortem” on the transaction you’re exploring. In other words, how could this end up being a bad deal? Think of all of the ways after the closing it can go sideways. A lot of times, that’s a checklist for what you...Read More
In this post, I discuss actionable items your company must take before you hire someone to help reduce your liability when hiring a new employee.Read More
I learned that HR compliance is one of the most pressing issues facing my clients and colleagues. Here's what I'm going to do with that information.Read More
The often used lawyer phrase, you can “pay me a little now, or pay me a lot more later” is no more true than when advising start-up businesses. Many entrepreneurs are so anxious to open the doors, they simply focus on generating sales without worrying about legal issues. However, failing to address legal issues at...Read More
Think you can sign your LLC Operating Agreement, put it in a drawer, and then forget it? No chance. Think of your Operating Agreement as the foundation of your business…the playbook for your company. Need to know what happens if a member leaves or dies? Operating Agreement. What everyone’s roles and responsibilities are? Operating Agreement. ...Read More