Choose 3 things that made you better in 2017 and focus on how you can improve on those. Choose 3 things that hindered you in 2017 and determine to eliminate those in 2018. Get up 30 minutes early. Implement The Miracle Morning. I highly recommend the program ManicTime for tracking your time and productivity. It’s awesome....
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Work interruptions. No matter how hard we try we can’t completely get rid of them. And unfortunately a two-minute interruption does not result in just two minutes of lost work time.  Studies have shown that it can take anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes to reorient yourself to the work you were doing before the...
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Some of you may be driving for the holidays so I thought I’d share some of my favorite podcasts with you. You already know I like to read (check out my latest book reviews here), but I’ve been driving a lot lately so I recently decided to explore podcasts as a new learning tool. Before...
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My periodic review of State of Michigan court cases continues with an important case Renco Electronics, Inc. v. UUSI, LLC (dba Nartron), dealing with how to respond when a supplier breaches a contract. Nartron contracted with Renco for Renco to manufacture specialized products; Nartron sold to OEMs.  The contract required Nartron to pay for all...
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Winds of change have swept through the Corporations Division of the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). Starting on October 30, 2017 LARA launched the Corporations Online Filing System (COFS).  The former MICH-ELF filing system is no longer available. How Does this Affect You? When you formed your business the State of Michigan gave your...
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The client had second thoughts. He was in the middle of selling his business. Nondisclosure agreements were signed, due diligence was conducted, and her had obtained consents from the vendors and landlords. Then I received an urgent call from the client, “I need to sit down and talk to you right away.” Twenty minutes later we...
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The tax court recently gave another reminder of the importance of properly documenting shareholder loans, and making sure that they reflect economic reality.  If they don’t, any attempt to deduct these loans as bad debts will be disallowed, causing financial and tax heartache for the lender-shareholder. In Sensenig, TC Memo 2017-1, the court relied on three...
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That’s it… I’m stopping cold turkey. No more Twitter. I’ve been trying to be more active on social media, reach out to my clients in new and unique ways (at least for me), but Twitter is just one tool that I’ve given up on.  Yes, I announced with great fanfare not too long ago that...
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We live in a global economy.  But that doesn’t mean that you want to travel halfway across the globe if there is dispute with one of your contracts.
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When my client decided to sell her business, she thought most of the issues would revolve around agreeing on the ultimate purchase price, and minimizing any claims the Buyer could make against her after the sale.  However, it turned out, lease issues posed the biggest problems.
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